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Version: 1.3

Action Flow

architecture diagram

The Backend technologies and their connections.

Table of Contents

General Flow Description

The backend is composed of multiple services and technologies that manage three internal functions:

  • Load Balancing
  • Data Manipulation
  • Data Persistance

The data is provided in the form of HTTP requests created by the frontend of the application.

These requests are first intercepted by the load balancer, which will distribute all the incoming requests to a set of API instances.

These instances will perform the necessary data processing and analysis and will provide the response back to the load balancer, which will promptly foward the response back to the initial requester.

To persist and save the data, the API instances are connected to a set of three main databases. Each database has a distinct function, that being for saving the data models (main database), saving the provided files (cloud storage) and finally saving the configurations of the instances and "magic numbers" (configuration database)